Everybody Else…
This is where you’ll find anything I grow that doesn’t technically belong in any of the other sections. Things like Hens-n-Chicks, Coreopsis, Peonies, Tulips, and the occasional tree. More than anything else here, quantities may include only one or two plants available of any given species or cultivar.
As a general rule, unless stated to the contrary, the lion’s share of the plants to be found in this section prefer full sun, which means a minimum of four hours per day of direct sun. Six hours or more is preferable, but nothing under four hours. Drainage should be average…no soils that remain consistently soupy.
In most cases, I’m not accomplished enough to ship anything larger than the standard large USPS Priority Mail flat rate box. This generally means that I’m not able to ship trees, unless they’re really young and/or really small. Such items are going to be limited to local sales only. It’s easier on all of us…the trees especially.
If you have any questions about any item(s) you find on the Everybody Else page in the Shop, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line!
Thanks for reading!