I breed Iris and Hemerocallis (daylilies). I sell named varieties of both, plus an assortment of other herbaceous and woody perennials.

TB Iris Seedling 20-13A
SDB Iris Seedling 19-18D

We're Open!
Snow and below normal temperatures in our neck of the woods have slowed development of things. Iris and Hemerocallis orders are now being taken. Hosta and Lily orders will be taken soon, once inventory levels can be verified.
To browse available varieties, click on the Shop button above, then select which class of Iris or Hemerocallis you’re looking for, and the varieties in that category. The checkout process is the same as last year. I will update on Hostas and Lilies when I have a better sense of availability.
2025 Shipping Rates Changed by USPS
The US Postal Service raised rates late in 2024 for the Priority Mail Flat Rate boxes.
The medium flat rate box now ships for $19.15. This is per box, no matter what’s inside, and is automatically added to the price of plants in your order at checkout.
On average, about 6-9 TB Iris rhizomes fit in the medium box.
Below, the first round of boxes ready to ship in July, 2024.
Hostas and Lilies Ship in March
Lilies (true lilies) and Hostas will be the first items to ship in 2025, around March. They need to be dormant when they’re shipped, so the window for shipping is pretty narrow. I’ll post when it’s time.
We’ve had a month plus of colder than average weather for these parts, and it’s delayed the inventory process for the Hostas and true lilies. When I have containers that are no longer little blocks of ice, I will update the appropriate pages in the Shop. Stay tuned!
Below, Lily Square in 2024.
First Crop of Field Grown Seedlings Planted in 2024
Container production of my wares has been slow overall with soil temperatures and moisture levels being inconsistent and difficult to hold relatively steady.
Late in 2023, I increased container sizes for named varieties and seedlings intended for registration and introduction, which has definitely helped.
I also rowed out the 2023 crop of seedlings that germinated in 2024 into a field behind the house on the arboretum grounds I manage. Growth and development have been explosive.
Below: purple based foliage (PBF) on one of the field planted seedlings in October, 2024.
Working on Developing Unique Colors and Forms...
I’m working toward a new set of registrations and introductions for 2025. In Iris alone, crosses made in 2023 and 2024 resulted in 54 and 51 pods respectively with varying numbers of seeds. That’s two consecutive “high” pod sets, after the all-time low of 9 pods set in 2022. Pictured below is seedling 18-07B, one of the more promising youngsters I’m considering for registration.
Using Some Extra Space for Field Trialing of New Seedlings
I got approval to row out some 850 seedlings that germinated in 2024 to speed up the turnaround time from germination to bloom, so I can determine what gets culled and what gets selected to breed and/or introduce more quickly.
Six months after planting, most of this crop of seedlings is about the size that most of my container grown seedlings are after about three years. Below: the “field” at work in October, 2024.